Day with handicapped people | - informační portál o Českém Krumlově

Day with handicapped people

13rd September 2014

An annual traditional meeting „without barriers“ is taking place on Saturday, 13th September, 2014 in the historic centre of town.

Datum: 29.10.2014 | Zhlédnuto: 303x
day with handicapped people

Unlike in past years, when these meetings happened in the area of Český Krumlov castle, this – already eleventh – one takes place at the Svornost square.

The magnificent place of the main square will surely provide enough of space not only for the realization of this action, but also for its propagation in front of internal and foreign audience.

Right ahead of the town hall an interesting cultural program will happen. Also, an exhibition of products from protected workshops will definitely not be missing.

The programme will be wide. The visit of a specially modified route of atractive castle interiers with escort of guides is possible this summer as well. For those of you, who are interested not only in knowledge, but also in a little bit of romance and adventure, popular Wooden Rafting is again prepared. Or you can visit the mysterious underground of Český Krumlov graphite mine, to where you will be taken by a mining train. Also, there will be a town tour for wheelchair users and visually impaired people with a professional guide.

Some major town museums and galeries are prepared for you, too.

Make sure to register yourself as soon as possible, so you can reserve your selected tour or action and a parking for free. The capacity of some events is restricted, so we can guarantee them only until exhaustion of limits set by the manager. You can use an on-line booking form or write an
e-mail to There is of course a possibility to participate without previous reservation, it is enough if you register yourself on the day of happening. Earlier sent registration take precedence, though.

If you want to help the organizers as a voluntary assistant, feel free to enroll yourself via e-mail:

We believe, that this year´s program offering is satisfying and that we will have together a great day full of experiences, joy and friendly gatherings.


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